Two months ago I wrote about celebrating my one year anniversary in NYC. I talked about how it had always been a lifelong dream to live here and how last year I discovered I really do have it in me to take a leap of faith and follow my dreams. I also said “I am now in search of a new dream and with the confidence that has come with my recent success, the sky’s the limit.”
I have decided upon that new dream and took “the sky’s the limit” quite literally. I’ve decided that I am going to follow in my dad’s footsteps and get my pilot’s license! My dad began flying in the Navy in the early 1980’s and has been flying people all over the country as a Captain for Delta Airlines for the past 22 years.
Being a child of a Delta employee has the most incredible benefits; I was able to fly anywhere in the world for free until January 1, 2009 when I was no longer considered a dependent. As you can imagine, this has been quite the blessing because I have been able to maintain very close relationships with my extended family all over the country (calling up my uncle in LA and asking to come out for the weekend because I was “bored” was common place) and I have been fortunate enough to see so many different parts of the world in my short 23 years.
Growing up in airports throughout my life also inspired a love for flying. The rush of excitement when we are about to take off, looking out the window at the horizon during sunset or viewing the NYC skyline as I am flying home from a trip are all reasons why I love being in the air.
So with the sky being the limit, I am onto my newest dream of traveling in the cockpit instead of the cabin. It took me a long time to get to NYC so I am not giving myself any time constraints, but it’s fun knowing that I have set a new goal for myself and found a new dream to keep reaching for the stars.
um why haven't we talked about this?