Webster Apartments is for women who are interning or just accepted full time jobs in the city. Yes, again a reminder of living dorm room style, but I actually really like it! First of all I feel very safe, the door is guarded 24 hours a day and they are extremely picky about this. Men are only allowed on the ground floor common areas and they must be accompanied at all times...I know daddy is a fan of this! :o)
On the bottom floor there is a dining room that serves breakfast and dinner (included in rent). The food really isn't that bad and in the morning there is always cereal and I can always eat the full salad/soup bar at night. The bathrooms are very clean and I have not had to wait on a shower yet (knock on wood).
As for my room I have a twin bed, decent size closet, vanity with chair, chair for guests, tall dresser, sink, and a book shelf. The bed was AWFUL at first but I went to Bed
, Bath, and Beyond and bought a great fiber bed to go on top of it that makes sleeping much better. I'm on the 8th floor so it isn't too noisy and my end of the hall is very quiet. A maid comes in every day and makes my bed. Every Monday she does a full cleaning of my room. And mom said I would never have a maid to make my bed!!! :o)

There is a huge TV room with vending machines and lots of comfy chairs I go to about every night. I like it because you can always count on the popular show on that night to be playing and there are always a bunch of girls in there. So far I have met another girl from Auburn (in addition to my friend Amelia who told me about the place) and someone who went to USC and knows a bunch of Auburn people.
On top of the roof is a huge garden area with a great view that I look forward to enjoying as soon as the weather warms up!
Needless to say it doesn't come close to home, but I'm pretty lucky to find such a great deal here in the city. Heading to Atlanta this weekend and cannot WAIT to be back in my big house with my family and very comfy bed. :o)
im imagining you singing 14g. love you
What a cool life you're leading! So exciting and I only wish I had the drive and will power to live like you in NYC. Very cool Jackie, hope all is well with you :-)