Monday, May 4, 2009

Life's What Happens When You're Busy Making Plans

Friday night my friends from the Webster and I usually stay in, drink wine, and watch movies in one of our tv rooms. This past Friday night as we were drinking Vicente Vineyards wine (Aunt Kar--The nunnery is very grateful!) we kept throwing out ideas of what to do on such a rainy weekend. After going down the list of The Met, the library, museums, etc. someone finally brought up the Kentucky Derby. Being a true southerner I got ridiculously excited and immediately decided we would go buy big hats, get all dressed up, and find a bar in NYC that is having a Derby party. We found a few places online and went hat shopping first thing Saturday morning before heading to the bar around 3.

The first place we went had me pretty excited because they claimed to be having a "Hat Pageant," 2 for 1 mint julips and a free Bud Light for anyone in a hat, along with other prizes. Thinking the place would be packed we were pretty shocked when we walked in and the bartenders cheered as we were the first to arrive. Feeling a little awkward we took advantage of the drink specials for about an hour and then took off as the other hat people started to arrive.
Justin Timberlake's restaurant, Southern Hosiptality, on the UES had a MUCH better turn out. How could it not with a name like that?? We called before we left to make sure people were there and ended up having a blast. Sadly my horse, Hold Me Back, didn't win...but I picked him for his name anyway! :o)

We ended up spending the rest of the night hopping from one random place to the next and ended home at 4 am, a record for me here in the city.

The point I'm trying to make is that I keep being in this mindset that everything has to be planned. Not only when I think of the next few years of my life, but even the little things like what I'm doing this weekend. Living in NYC I tend to plan every where I go because I can't hop in a car and quickly get where I'm going. This weekend I was completely spontaneous and off the cuff and I had a blast.
I think its a good reminder that sometimes I just need to sit back and be 22...

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