Note: As many of you know, one of my greatest passions is the
Broadway musical. The opportunity to see a show any night I want was a major factor in moving to this city. While I am by no means a famous
Broadway critic, I do consider myself to be quite
knowledgeable and view every show with a critical eye. I won't discuss the
synopsis of the show because you can learn about it
here. This is just about my overall experience...
Two weeks ago my brother Patrick, 14, came to visit and I was faced with the challenge of how to entertain him. He is at a very hard age because you can't take him to kid stuff and he certainly is not old enough to go bar hopping. If he was a girl the choice would be simple, take her to a
Broadway show like Wicked or Mary Poppins on Saturday night. Rarely is there a show I can confidently take a boy to and know he won't fall asleep as the Overture begins.
For several weeks now I have been following
@RockofAges on
Twitter and, amused by his
creative Tweets, I was inspired to check out the show. When I heard Patrick was in town I thought it would be the perfect thing to do on a Saturday night with a 14 y

ear old. Over the past two years he has gained an appreciation of classic rock music thanks to Guitar Hero and Rock Band. I did not learn the words to "Hit Me With Your Best Shot" until I heard it at numerous band parties in frat houses my freshman year, but I could belt every word of it by the time football season ended. So needless to say, I thought the classic hits that comprise Rock of Ages would be something we would both enjoy.
We arrived at the theater two hours early to participate in the lottery and luckily won two tickets. When we came back after dinner the place was buzzing with people. I immediately knew this would not be my average
Broadway show when I walked in and they handed us "lighters." We quickly found our seats, which was the one major downfall of the entire night...they did not inform us that the lottery seats were partial view. We could still see 99% of the stage and we would have still purchased the tickets, I just think it's extremely rude when that isn't even mentioned at the time of purchase.
After settling into our seats I saw people walking up and down the aisles serving beer in the theater, another
Broadway first for me. I also saw in my Playbill there was an option of
pre-ordering and having drinks served to you during the show! Between the lighters and the flow of alcohol, I knew this would not be my standard night at a
Broadway show.
When scantily clad strippers walked out in the opening number I was immediately stricken with panic and thought "What have I taken my little brother to see?!" I quickly
murmured "Lets keep this aspect of the show to ourselves and not tell mom and dad," under my breath and squirmed uncomfortably in my seat.
From the first note to the last, the ridiculously talented cast had us dancing in our seats and hanging on to every word. I was amazed at how they incorporated so many great songs and strung them together with the script at all the appropriate times. Every single voice in the cast was very strong and they blended together so well, but of course there were a few standouts.
American Idol alum and leading man
Constantine Maroulis gave a pretty incredible show and made us look at each other and say "
daaaayum" several times with his high register.
Amy Spanger was not only an amazing singer but one heck of an actress. I found myself relating to her several times as she struggled to find her place in the "big city." She showed such raw emotion that I too couldn't help but want to belt along with her that I'm "Just a small town girl, living in a lonely world."

If you ask my brother, the star of the show was
Mitchell Jarvis, the narrator. Every second he was onstage he was in character and full of such energy, not to mention the fact that he was absolutely hysterical. See a picture of Patrick and Mitchell below!

By the end of the second act we were on our feet screaming the words to "Don't Stop Believing" and dancing right along with the lady two rows ahead in the pink wig and "I like Boobies"
tshirt. The final note hit and Patrick looked at me with the biggest smile on his face and said that was the coolest show he has ever seen. Score two points for the big sis! :o)
There are few shows that I will see twice, simply because there is always a new one to catch my eye. However I will confidently say that I will see Rock of Ages again. As I said before, I often struggle with shows a guy can sit through so this will be kept in my back pocket if I ever get in another tour guide pickle.
PS--Special thanks to whoever is behind the
@RockofAges Twitter account that got me hooked on the show!